Written from the perspective of my daughter, Billie

When I was one, I swiped some peanut butter toast
It was up high so I had to climb, not that I’m gonna boast
It tasted delicious but something wasn’t right
My eyes felt funny and my throat a little tight
Mum said, “That’s it. To the car right away!”
Off to the chemist without delay
He took one look and pointed us to the doctor
Who pricked my leg cause my breathing shocked her
Off with my mum in the ambulance, I went
Straight to a hospital, she said that meant
For 6 whole hours, they made me sit
I was also poked n prodded a bit
Mum and Nanny kept me entertained
And a cool new cardboard hat* I gained
I’d be tired after, the doctors said
But I was in no mood for bed
Mum says I hardly slept a wink
I reckon I was just trying to think
What it all meant and why my eyes still felt tight
Next time I reckon I’ll stick with vegemite
Eggs also make me feel yuck
Any trace of them and I upchuck
A special allergy man checks my progress
He draws on my arm as part of the process
Then nicks me with stuff that makes me itch
I sometimes scream at a very high pitch!
My family and friends are helping me learn
To be aware and safe is their main concern
I carry my epi-pen every single day
And before I eat remember to say
“Does this have eggs or nuts in it?”
PS: before you kiss my loveable cheeks or use my water bottle
Please know, the smallest trace can trigger reactions full throttle
*the hat was a hospital spew bowl as shown in the pictures
Originally published on Medium